There’s a youth mental health crisis happening right now. You can help stop it.

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in Your State

America has an urgent youth mental health crisis. In 2019, more than one in three high school students said they experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, and one-in-five students seriously considered suicide. Recently, emergency rooms saw a significant uptick in the proportion of emergency room visits for mental health reasons in young people. This crisis isn’t new, but the pandemic has made it worse.

Youth who are anxious, depressed, and worse are struggling and their mental health problems are overwhelming parents and educators alike. But we can do something about it. That’s why Inseparable and 16 other organizations joined to form the Hopeful Futures Campaign. We believe that every child, in every school, should get the mental health services they need so they can thrive.

We’ve assembled a first-ever national report card that scores every state on policies that support school mental health, with recommendations for how to improve. We built an action center to empower anyone who cares about our children and youth to learn more and drive change in their community.

2023 State Legislative Guide

School Mental Health Report Card

2022 State Legislative Guide

The Strategy

The Solutions

Hopeful Futures Campaign Partners